Petrarch’s Bio *** Qual Donna Attende A Gloriosa Fama

Petrarch’s Shortly Bio:
Francesco Petrarch was born in Italy and is well known globally due his gifted talents on writing poems and sonnets. Petrarch studied law with his brother and after his father death he started to serve in some clerical positions. At the time that he was serving the clerical he started to write and began his studies on literature. Petrarch met Laura de Noves around 1327, from the time that he met her to the rest of his life (around 1368) he wrote a sequence of 366 poems including 317 sonnets. The theme about this sequence of poems and sonnets were about his love for Laura, apparently he was fixated on her. In 1341, Petrarch was crowned as poet laureate in Rome, while he was being crowned Petrarch was the responsible for the first manifesto of the Renaissance due his delivered of the “Coronation Oration" during the ceremony. Petrarch is considered the “Father of Humanism", during the Renaissance. He became famous in Europe and traveled a lot for hobby. Petrarch’s famous work started to influence England, beginning with Chaucer, we also can see his influence in the work of some famous English poets during the 19th century. Petrarch’s writing emphasizes the idea of a deep and emotion sense of the past along with the things that were happening on his present. He also had the idea that without someone that could guide the world this would result on man at the center on the world. He saw most of his family members and friends including his loved one dying from plague.
Qual Donna Attende A Gloriosa Fama by Francesco Petrarch: